DeepSee Wellness

A Certified Health and Life Coach

How My Coaching Career Began

My passion to support others to live their best life emerged from the depths of my past struggles and personal experiences. Along my healing journey, I came to understand that my purpose in life is to inspire others to love themselves.

Although I had no idea how I would motivate others when I couldn't get my own weight under control, I knew that I didn't want anyone to feel as sick and ashamed of their body as I did. Years of deep healing helped me break free of the binge-purge cycle, chronic dieting, and self-judgment.

Who I Was

I used to be extremely overweight, hated the person I saw in the mirror, and did not want to leave our house. Even though I knew exactly how to lose weight and succeeded with the process many times, my body would eventually reject the deprivation diet and militant workouts and the weight would come back with vengeance

My inner bully got stronger every time I gained the weight back. After years of using food to stuff my emotions, self-judgment and relentless self-criticism, I knew I could not longer live like that and had to change my lifestyle.

DeepSee Wellness

Who I Am Today

Through my research and continuing education, I found nothing would change until I loved myself enough to change my mindset and daily habits. I acknowledge that I am a work in progress and am proud my journey is now propelled by self-love and my desire to assist others rather than motivated by fear and a number on a scale. Wanting to help others who suffer from emotional eating and excess weight, led me to establish DeepSee Wellness, a safe place where individuals can transform destructive patterns into long-lasting behaviors that support a healthy lifestyle they crave and deserve.
